Italian scenery representing the manners, customs, and amusements of the different states of Italy
- Autore:
- Godby, James - Lerberghi, P. : van - Buonaiuti, B. Serafino
- Data:
- 1806
- Fondo / Raccolta:
- Fondo Doria
- Tipologia documento:
- Iconografia
- Formato documento:
- Contenitore oggetto digitale:
- 4SDL
- Link:
- Collocazione:
- Rari Doria 44
Italian scenery; representing the manners, customs, and amusements of the different states of Italy; containing thirty-two coloured engravings by James Godby, from original drawings by P. van Lerberghi. The narrative by M. Buonaiuti - London : printed for, published and sold by Edward Orme, Bond street, the corner of Brook street : sold also by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster row, 1806 - [4], 74, [2] p., 32 c. di tav. litogr. color. : ill. ; fol